Update date: 13.12.2023
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Average salary in the Czech Republic: study

Average salary in the Czech Republic: study - 1

The Czech domestic economy is still growing steadily, making there is plenty of room in the market for foreigners. Among all post-communist states, the Czech Republic has one of the most stable and successful economic systems. It is based on industry (mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, chemistry, food industry and ferrous metallurgy), construction and services. The share of agriculture, forestry and mining is insignificant and continues to decline.

In this article we will tell you how much Czech professionals earn on average at the moment. Choosing a job plays a huge role in a person's life, and therefore it should be approached responsibly, both personally and financially.

Perhaps this material will help you to choose your future specialty.

Average salary in the Czech Republic and Prague

Of course, all students in the Czech Republic dream of finding a well-paid job. In the Czech Republic it is not difficult at all. There is a very good standard of living here, so the ratio of salaries to the necessary expenses for housing and food is very favorable.

In its latest survey, the Czech portal Platy.cz has analyzed in detail what salaries are paid to employees in different areas and regions of the country. The results show that the average total salary in the Czech Republic in 2023 is CZK 36,503 before taxes. This means that about 50% of residents earn just over CZK 29,000.

The average salary in the capital city is CZK 42,989. One tenth of the highest paid earns CZK 72,801.

According to official data from the Czech Statistical Office, the average salary in the Czech Republic in 2023 is CZK 40,135 per month before taxes, equivalent to €1,610 at current exchange rates. Compared to last year, an increase of 1,551 crowns or 4% was recorded. Eighty percent of employees earn between 17,221 and 65,753 kronor. Men earn on average in the Czech Republic about 36,792 CZK and women 31,720 CZK.

The level of pay in the Czech Republic depends on the profession, experience and qualifications of the worker, as well as the industry and the specific region. The lowest unemployment rate, the largest number of available jobs and high average salaries are in the central part of the state. For example, employment in Prague will provide a monthly income of 48,130 CZK (€1,935). The lowest wages are in the Karlovy Vary Region, around 35,645 CZK per month (1,430 euros).

Average salary by occupation. How to choose a high-paying job?

When it comes to the financial side of things, there are a number of indicators that can help you decide which field you are interested in. The average salary by profession is certainly not the most accurate indicator, because it covers the Czech Republic as a whole and does not distinguish between employment in Prague or somewhere smaller.

The highest growth rates of average salaries in the Czech Republic in 2023 are recorded for IT specialists, bankers and engineers. The highest salaries are traditionally earned by top managers and managers of large companies, about 7,500 euros per month. Graduates of Czech universities at the initial stage can count on a salary of 700-900 euros. You can earn more in the Czech capital, which provides 16% of the country's employment.

Don't look for a gold mine in management

Management is one of the most popular industries in terms of the number of employees. Typically, managers do not require in-depth knowledge to work in management, which affects pay. The average gross salary is around CZK 26,480, which is well below the national average. However, as a project manager you will earn an average of CZK 36,130.

The tourism business is often one of the lowest paid sectors of labor

During each year, wages in the Czech Republic increase - if the averages are to be believed. However, in reality, the wages of real Czech citizens are gradually decreasing, because Czechs lose most of the increase due to inflation.

There are, however, employees whose average salary is even lower than that of a middle manager. Such an example would be those who have dedicated their careers to tourism, gastronomy and hotel business. In this sector, the average gross salary is only CZK 22,792. Despite the fact that the tourism sector includes a rather wide list of all sorts of professions, the most common ones are cooks and waiters, who usually earn 22,903 and 19,498 CZK respectively. Slightly higher salaries are earned by tourist guides, with an average of CZK 27,677, while ticket and tour sellers earn CZK 24,600.

In the current situation, when borders between countries are closed and travel is restricted to the maximum extent possible, the most vulnerable sector is the tourism business.

Pilots earn the most in transportation and logistics

The sphere of transportation includes many professions - from drivers of public transport to pilots of commercial flights.

And it is the latter who "pull up" the value of the average salary. Their average salary usually reaches 98,589 kronor, which is 69,692 kronor more than, for example, truck drivers. For the industry as a whole, the average earnings are around 28,392 kroner.

Pharmacists earn good money

Good money is "spinning" in the pharmaceutical business. Employees of pharmaceutical companies earn an average of CZK 39,713. As for more specific examples, if as an assistant you earn CZK 31,751 every month, as a head pharmacist or medical consultant you can expect CZK 42,666 and CZK 79,321 respectively.

The situation is just as good for medical professionals

But since we are talking about medical workers, it is not only pharmacists who earn well in the Czech Republic. The average salary of a therapist is 47,326 CZK, while a nurse with specialization earns 57,104 CZK. Veterinarians earn around CZK 31,741 and dentists earn CZK 41,459.

Czech employers send requests to labor agencies for qualified engineers, chemists, technologists and designers, but, unfortunately, their own labor market does not offer such specialists, so very often they hire those who fit the vacancy, but are not citizens of the country. The main staff shortage in the Czech Republic is among doctors. The average age of a doctor in this country is 52 years, which means that when doctors retire due to age and length of service, there is simply no one to replace them. This is due to the fact that young doctors move to other EU countries - they choose to work in Germany and Switzerland, slightly less often in Ireland and the UK. Their professional qualities allow them to earn more than in the Czech Republic (according to 2021 data - two to three times more). Therefore, foreigners can find work in the Czech Republic in the medical field.

Teachers are valued more and more

While in many European countries the teaching profession is one of the most prestigious professions, this has not been the case in the Czech Republic for a long time. At least until recently - both socially and financially. According to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the average teacher's salary has risen to CZK 36,224.

It is worth remembering that there is a gap between the salaries of teachers with different qualifications. While kindergarten teachers receive approximately CZK 30,550 per month, elementary school teachers earn an order of magnitude higher - CZK 45,288. A secondary school teacher receives an average of 45,772 CZK per month, while university teachers earn 56,452 CZK.

A publisher, on the other hand, does not print money

Although the coverage of articles and reports can be enormous, it cannot be said that journalists receive a lot - on average CZK 29,217. Employees in the publishing business earn an average of CZK 32,026. Overall, for the entire journalism, press and media industry, the average salary is CZK 29,249.

The IT sector is doing well

This is an area where the money has been there for a long time and will be for a long time to come. Despite the significant increase in the popularity of digital technologies, there is still a shortage of specialists in this field. The average IT architect earns around 80,843 CZK per month.

The average programmer earns 78,136 CZK. And if we evaluate the industry as a whole, it should be noted that the income in IT is much higher than the average salary in all sectors, as it reaches the value of CZK 48,637.

The banking sector is a lucrative business

There is always a lot of money "spinning" in the banking sector, although, of course, much depends on where the economy is at. The salary of a customer care worker will of course be completely different from that of an economic expert or a risk management specialist. Thus, while a full-time employee earns "only" CZK 28,907 per month, in the case of a financial analyst this amount is already CZK 45,036.

A trader, i.e. a person responsible for millions of transactions on the interbank market, can expect to earn 69,270 CZK every month. In banking, you can earn an average of CZK 40,487 per month.

Below we have prepared for you a table with the values of average earnings in other areas of activity:

Scope of work Wages
Scientific staff 47 970 crowns
Engineers 56 853 crowns
Lawyers 43 508 crowns
Economists 59 593 crowns
PR managers 62 361 crowns
Historians 41 622 crowns
Psychologists 44 670 crowns
Show business employees 38 463 crowns
Sports employees 37 000 crowns

Which university offers the most prestigious education?

So, where in the Czech Republic can you get a profession that would be both interesting and profitable? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. After all, there are a lot of interesting and prestigious branches of activity in the Czech Republic.

If you want to become an engineer or an architect, as well as learn how to write cool code and work in a successful IT-company, you should pay attention to the Czech Technical University in Prague, as well as the Brno Technical University. These are top universities that offer good study programs in the technical field.

If you are interested in economics, management and finance, the undisputed leader in these fields is the Higher School of Economics in Prague. Charles University also has very high quality programs in this field.

Creative people should think about enrolling in UMPRUM and AMU. In these universities all specialties are devoted to art.

Medicine is best taught at Charles University, it has 5 medical faculties at once. You can also get a good medical education at Masaryk University.

But it does not mean that you can become a sought-after specialist only after studying in these educational institutions. There are many other excellent universities in the Czech Republic, and your future success in your work depends only on you and your efforts in your studies.

Of course, as a beginner you will not earn very much, but even the initial salary in the Czech Republic will be quite enough for a comfortable living. The ability to earn money on your own will help you gain financial independence, and diligence and initiative will quickly help you climb the career ladder and get a decent salary.

It is possible to get a prestigious job in the Czech Republic only after getting the appropriate education. You can study at a top Czech university absolutely free of charge. All you need to do is to know the Czech language at the B2 level and pass the entrance exams. You can get the necessary training for university entrance at the Prague Education Center.

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