West Bohemian University of Plzeň (ZČU)

Do you want to get a promising higher education and find a job in Europe? The Classical University of West Bohemia, located in the city of Plzeň. It offers graduates of secondary schools and university graduates to get higher education absolutely free of charge, and afterwards - easily find a job.

95% of university graduates find a job almost immediately after graduation.

The University of West Bohemia is a dynamically developing university located in the city of Plzeň


Official name:
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, ZČU

Website: www.zcu.cz

Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 9

Number of years of study: 3-7 years

Study program:
Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree

Pilsen is rightly considered a major cultural, economic and industrial center of the Czech Republic and the fourth most populous city in the country. Not surprisingly, it is here that the University of West Bohemia was founded. Its emergence was the result of the merger of the University of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with the Faculty of Education. Today the university has 60 departments of different orientation (technical, humanitarian, pedagogical, legal and others), whose teachers teach more than fifteen thousand students. The Republic, which had just left the Eastern Bloc, was in dire need of specialists, that is why the government program of studying on a budgetary basis with encouragement of excellent students and guaranteed employment was developed.

In this educational institution there are eighty specialties for bachelors, about eighty - for masters and twenty-eight doctoral programs. There are Czech-speaking and English-speaking programs, but most lectures, seminars are conducted in Czech. Students can study on a budget, in English-language programs - only for a fee.

The structure of the university: what faculties are there, what they teach, and what are the exams and the competition

The university is very diverse, you can study in technical or humanities, and there is also a research center. The university employs only the most highly qualified teachers, which ensures a high level of education. You can study at the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Applied Sciences;
  • Faculty of Design and Art;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering;
  • Faculty of Philosophy;
  • Faculty of Pedagogy;
  • Faculty of Law;
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
  • Faculty of Medical Research.

The University of West Bohemia offers 275 study programs focused on technology, humanities, arts and sciences, economics and health studies. The university supports modern language teaching, organizes internships abroad and invests in its own technological research.

Faculty of Applied Sciences

This faculty of engineering and scientific type, which provides education in physics, geomatics, information technology, cybernetics, mathematics, mechanics and construction. According to accredited training programs, he trains highly qualified specialists who apply for the labor market without any problems.

Individual departments have accredited research programs, doctoral programs, and can also conduct habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of professors.

The faculty is located in a building that received the award of the Mayor of Pilsen in the category of new buildings for 2014. This is a joint building of the NTIS Research Center - New Technologies for the Information Society and CTPVV - the Center for Technical and Natural Science Education and Research.

Students find jobs as programmers, project managers, heads of information departments in small and large companies throughout the Czech Republic, as well as abroad. Thanks to their professional qualifications, they quickly climb the career ladder and easily reach middle management positions.

Faculty of Design and Art

Ladislav Shutnar or Shutnar Faculty of Design and Art is an art school of the 21st century. With his work and philosophy, he continues the inspiring legacy of the outstanding Pilsen native and world-famous Czech-American designer Ladislav Shutnar. The faculty crosses the boundaries of the region, the boundaries of cultures and skills. Like Ladislav Shutnar, he works with traditional and modern crafts and technologies, materials, calculations and social demand, taste and sometimes mood. She copes even with extremely complex tasks, and her ability to combine design and art with engineering, natural sciences or humanities can be envied by her foreign partners.

The faculty manages the prestigious Ladislav Shutnar Gallery, where visitors have already been able to see the works of such artists as Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Malina, Ladislav Sutnar, Karol Weisslehner, Richard Conte from the Paris Sorbonne, Milan Grygar, Jan Solpera and other important personalities during their short existence of fine art.

The faculty is proud of the team of outstanding artists and teachers, under whose guidance students achieve significant success at Czech and international competitions, implement cooperation projects with practice and participate in a number of exhibition projects. Students receive bachelor's and master's degrees in a wide range of fields focused mainly on design and applied arts.

The faculty is located in an original building with state-of-the-art equipment and a number of unique studios. It is at this "art factory" that the largest international summer art school in the Czech Republic, ArtCamp, takes place, which over the past 15 years has been visited by five thousand students, including a thousand from abroad, and taught by more than a hundred foreign teachers from around the world.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics has a workplace not only in Pilsen, but also in Cheb. It provides higher education with an economic focus at five faculties in the Pilsen and Karlovy Vary regions. Develops relations with commercial and non-profit organizations and public administration; closely links teaching with professional practice. The Faculty of Economics is open for international cooperation with partner universities not only in the EU, but also provides an opportunity to study in certain disciplines abroad. He also devoted himself to lifelong learning.

Within the framework of cooperation with the practice, the faculty performs, for example, contracts of economic orientation according to the requirements of organizations, studies of the development of cities and regions, etc. Publishes the magazine "Trends in Business" and regularly organizes the conference of the same name.

Based on the subjects taught, you can easily navigate the world of macro- and microeconomics; in detail and in a broader context, you will get an overview of tax policy, the effects of inflation, gross domestic product or pension reforms, as well as general developments in financial policy. Thanks to cooperation with business and public sector partners, you can gain practical experience already during your studies.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, along with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, is one of the oldest faculties of the university. Engineers, bachelors and doctoral students study here. Its graduates are well employed in the labor market and are in demand among industrial partners. The Faculty conducts both fundamental and extensive applied research, which has a noticeable and significant impact on practice. The faculty's production is engaged in the development of vehicles with electric and hybrid drive (buses, trolleybuses, trams, locomotives).

Since 2010, the new center has been the RICE Research Center (Research and Innovation Center for Electrical Engineering), created with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the Operational Research and Development Program for Innovation (OP VaVpI). the organizational component of the faculty at the department level.

The promising areas of the university being studied are a good job on the labor market in the Czech Republic and abroad with the opportunity to work in companies already during their studies. VZ offers training at all levels (BC, Ing., Ph.D.). The key to your successful and high-quality studies is created by an experienced team of employees in a modern building with first-class equipment. With us you have the opportunity for inspiration, participation in projects, research in unique laboratories, study abroad and excellent application in practice.

Faculty of Pedagogy

The Pedagogical Faculty offers bachelor's, master's, subsequent master's and doctoral programs of various types, but above all programs leading to the acquisition of pedagogical qualifications. The Faculty develops a wide range of areas within the framework of continuing education, paying special attention to the professional development of teachers. It prepares young people to fulfill their profession and focuses on their positive approach to the labor market and life in society, deepens cooperation with practitioners and graduates of the faculty. It supports research and development. Orients students and teachers to international cooperation, especially within the EU.

Faculty members are the authors of many scripts, publications and textbooks for primary, secondary schools and universities. A number of them have received prestigious awards at international book fairs. The faculty publishes the scientific journal Arnica and the practical journal School Physics.

At the faculty, you can get a qualification to work in kindergarten, to teach grades 1 and 2 of primary school and for general education schools. The University also offers the possibility of non-pedagogical training in three-year bachelor's degree programs: "Physical Culture and Sports", "Natural Science", "Historical Studies" and "Specialization in Pedagogy".

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law is one of the four most popular and rated law faculties of the Czech Republic. According to accredited bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs, the University trains highly qualified specialists who are successfully employed in the labor market. Thanks to cooperation and good relations with foreign universities, the university offers students the opportunity of internships abroad in most European countries. It cooperates with a wide range of institutions and bodies of State or public administration, as well as with the private sector.

Since 2017, the faculty has been publishing its own scientific journal "Pravnitsky Sheets". In it, he publishes articles of legal orientation and related scientific areas, paying special attention to theoretical issues of state and law. The journal is published twice a year in paper and electronic form.

The university provides education in the field of law and public administration. In addition to standard training, they offer, for example, a simulation trial, a lawyer internship, clinical legal practice, and now a certification program in religious law. In addition to theoretical knowledge, many teachers can provide feedback and valuable knowledge based on rich experience in the roles of judges, lawyers, executors, insolvency administrators, etc.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest faculties of Pilsen universities. It is one of the modern open educational institutions, and has also received recognition in the field of science and research. According to state accredited training programs, he trains highly qualified specialists who are in demand in the labor market.

The faculty includes the Regional Institute of Technology (RTI), which has extensive experience in the field of fundamental and applied research.

The university offers training, research and development in modern and traditional fields of technology. Very close cooperation with foreign technical universities and industrial enterprises in Pilsen allows us to conduct high-quality research and development for modern engineering practice.

Faculty of Philosophy

The Faculty of Philosophy is a modern, creative and open faculty that includes a wide range of fields of social sciences and humanities. It plays an important role in the social and cultural space of the city of Pilsen, as evidenced by the wide range of events organized or jointly organized by its students and staff.

In addition to the traditional disciplines of philosophy, archaeology and history, the faculty is also engaged in the study of modern society, the study of the regions of the Middle East and Africa, excluded localities, paleoanthropology. He pays special attention to Czech-Bavarian cooperation and the study of foreign languages. An important part of the faculty's life is international cooperation at many levels, from which students of all types of education benefit.

As part of its research, the Faculty of Philosophy focuses on finding the roots and connections of the development of Pilsen and the Western Czech Republic.

Graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy can participate in the management and cultivation of the values of education and upbringing. They find work in the labor market, most often in the fields of culture, education, education and self-education, in journalism, book publishing, in public administration or in the non-profit sector.

Faculty of Medical Research

The Faculty of Medical Research trains specialists in the field of healthcare, taking into account the needs of the Pilsen region and surrounding areas. The study can be completed at several bachelor's degrees (for example, general nurse, midwife, physiotherapy, paramedic, medical laboratory assistant, orthopedics / prosthetics and others) or Master's (Nursing).

The faculty cooperates with medical institutions within the framework of students' professional practice. Cooperation with companies takes place through innovative vouchers.

A Faculty Health Center was established at the Faculty of Medical Research. It offers training and consultations in the field of support and development of a healthy lifestyle. The faculty organizes events intended for the general public, such as the School of Healthy Walking, Flatfoot Screening, the Pilsen Lifeguard Cup, the conference "Journey to Knowledge and Education in the field of Nursing" or the festival "Journey of a Mother Woman".

Graduates can find work in inpatient and outpatient medical institutions, in private care organizations, at home and in the family, in medical rehabilitation centers, in sanatoriums, treatment centers, public institutions or laboratories.

University admission conditions for foreigners

Foreigners can study in the Czech Republic free of charge, just like Czech citizens. To enter you will need to bring the following package of documents to the selected university by the end of March of the current academic year:

  • school certificate or diploma with a statement of grades for the last 4 years (certified by the management of the educational institution);
  • a copy of a long-term visa confirming the legality of stay in the country;
  • a medical certificate on the state of health and medical insurance, which is used to pay for treatment in case of illness;
    proof of solvency (a bank statement will suffice).

If you do not want to retake the Czech language test, we advise you to attach to your application package the license certificate of the language school, which indicates the level of language proficiency. The minimum for budgetary enrollment is qualification B1-B2 (above average). This is not a whim of the management of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, but a mandatory requirement of the Ministry of Education, without knowledge of this level it is simply impossible to "pull" the program.

Nostrification process

You will not be taken at your word that the grades are real, so you will have to nostrify your educational documents. This is a kind of exam, which is taken in the Czech Republic and confirms that you have really honestly received certification points, and not "bought" them.

The pros of getting a higher education at a Czech university and what awaits you after graduation

Since the curriculum of the University of West Bohemia is aimed at providing knowledge that a young specialist will definitely need in practice, graduates have no problem finding a job after graduation. In addition, most faculties welcome participation in internships and practical training at companies. The University has partnerships with many large companies.

Graduates of the University of West Bohemia receive an ECTS Label certificate, which confirms that a graduate of this university has a European level of education and can apply for a job abroad.

The main advantages of studying at a Czech university:

  • studying on a budgetary basis with proper knowledge of the Czech language;
  • modern university building with a large library and equipped laboratories;
  • you can go on exchange to other countries through the ERASMUS+ and FREEMOVERS/INTER programs;
  • grants and scholarships for the best students;
  • the opportunity to find a good job before you graduate.

Haven't decided where you want to study yet? Make sure you think about the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň. Maybe this university will be your second home and the start of a great career.

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