
P.E.C. has developed quite an effective system of internally certifying knowledge, which is applicable to teaching foreign students.
Thereby, studying at P.E.C. has long been an original mark of quality, which is guaranteed not only by certificate but also by acquiring great and considerable knowledge.
The quality of P.E.C. training programs is verified by the Ministry of Education Youth And Sports of the Czech Republic.
In 2014 our school received permission from the Ministry of Education Youth And Sports of the Czech Republic to realise state certification of language skills, including certification of interpreters. In this way, P.E.C. has become one of the few non-government organizations entitled to issue certificates of the state sample.
This decision of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic has confirmed once more the high quality of our language training programs, which have been realisable during all 10 years.
Our Centre conducts certification of language skills using two systems of evaluation:
- State examination in all languages including the Czech language – a state certification of knowledge according to the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
- European language portfolio – a unified European system of knowledge evaluation according to CEFR