Technical University of Liberec (TUL)

TUL Liberec is a European university certified by ECTS Label and DS Label, which means high quality teaching and demand for graduates in the labor market. Today, the university offers 120 educational programs and specialties in Czech and English. Applicants have the opportunity to enroll in bachelor's, master's degree, or to obtain a PhD degree after completing a doctorate. There are no restrictions on admission for foreigners.


Official name:
Technická univerzita v Liberci


Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 7

Specialties: 30+

Number of years of study: 4-9 years

Training program:
bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies

The post-war Czech Republic needed qualified builders, so in February 1953, the Higher School of Construction was opened by the decision of the authorities. The first set consisted of only 259 students (only 121 specialists completed their studies before graduation), the training was conducted by 19 teachers (professors and master practitioners). It was assumed that students would work in the engineering, textile, ceramic and glass industries. The young university experienced its first reformation and division into two directions in 1960, and in the late 70s it had already grown to a campus. In the early 90s, four more departments were added, and in 1995, after certification and accreditation, the educational institution received its current status and name - the Technical University in Liberec.

Faculties and specialties

Graduates of the Master's and bachelor's degree of TUL are provided with preferential conditions for admission and obtaining a prestigious profession. Training is offered at the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Engineering;
  • Faculty of Textiles;
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences, Humanities and Pedagogical Sciences;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Arts and Architecture;
  • Faculty of Mechatronics, Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Research;
  • Faculty of Medical Research;
  • Institute of Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations.
  • Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is historically the oldest faculty of the Technical University in Liberec. Its research and educational activities are based on a traditional base, focused primarily on the textile, glass and automotive industries and plastics processing.

The faculty guarantees and provides a professional level in all types of educational programs – bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies.

Applicants enter the general specialty "applied mechanical engineering", after a year of study they choose a specialization in which they receive a diploma. The oldest branch of the Liberec University graduates design engineers, industrial designers, developers and adjusters of machine-building equipment. Plus faculty – almost 100% enrollment. For admission, it is necessary to pass a test in mathematics, physics and chemistry. Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degree programs are available.

Textile Faculty

The Faculty of Textiles is one of the largest faculties in the EU, which comprehensively deals with the engineering of textile materials, as well as the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic. Only the Liberec Faculty develops creative activity and provides higher education in the entire textile field, conducts fundamental and applied research from design, materials to technology, quality assessment to a wide range of applications. Due to its significant scientific and research focus, it goes beyond the Czech Republic and the EU.

The Textile Faculty of the Technical University in Liberec is one of the best in Europe. In addition to the design itself, it is possible to study marketing in the field of fashion design. This specialty is popular in the modern world, since many design houses are opened annually in different countries that need young specialists in the field of management. 

The faculty cooperates with research institutes, has its own patented developments. The best graduates are employed at European textile engineering enterprises. The production practice takes place not only in Europe, but also at specialized enterprises in China, Turkey, Japan, the USA, India, Egypt. The high level of enrollment is 92-98%. For admission, it is necessary to successfully pass technical school disciplines (mathematics, physics), a creative competition is held for designers.

Faculty of Natural Sciences, Humanities and Pedagogical Sciences

Pedagogical education in Liberec has more than two hundred years of tradition. The traditional role of the faculty is to train teachers for the first and second grades of elementary school in some subjects for secondary schools. In addition, the faculty, in particular, through the preparation of a bachelor's degree by experts in the field of humanities and natural sciences. They receive education in bachelor's, master's and doctorate programs, divided into more than forty areas. The Faculty also offers a wide range of educational services for advanced training. 

This is the most popular faculty, out of a total of 10 thousand students, almost 3 thousand are studying here. The competition is significant — 18 people for 10 budget places, enrollment is 65%. The bachelor's degree is designed only for teaching teaching methods in primary school. To become a subject teacher, you need to graduate from a master's degree, and for the right to teach at universities, you need to enroll in graduate school.

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Economics offers high quality education, knowledge, experience and practice. For more than fifteen years of its existence, the Faculty has become a prestigious educational institution offering comprehensive education — that is, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in economics and management, system engineering and computer science, economic policy and administration.

The activity of the faculty is the annual holding of many international scientific conferences and seminars. The main ones are the Liberec International Economic Forum and conferences dedicated to topical issues of system integration (Liberec Informatics Forum).

It works in close integration with the Czech Department of Economics, students and postgraduates of the department are regular participants of international symposiums. Graduates are provided with jobs in specialized organizations. In 2016, this faculty of the Technical University in Liberec received the national award for the START EUROPE program.

Various narrow-profile specialties are provided for bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. For example, service management, management informatics, regional studies. The competition is 1.5 people per place, enrollment is 75-78%. The subject for testing is selected depending on the chosen direction, but mathematics is mandatory.

Faculty of Arts and Architecture

The emphasis of students at TUL is aimed at creative and conceptual vision of architectural works. The faculty strives for dynamic student learning that meets modern requirements for architectural education in the world. Training and research are aimed at the opportunity for discussion between students and teachers of various architectural solutions, which opens up ways for joint search and discovery.

After graduation, specialists are in demand as artists and designers who implement both individual and commercial projects. Architects participate in the design of new buildings and the restoration of cultural and historical monuments. A creative competition is required, following which recruitment for the course and admission to testing are carried out. The competition is very high — 3 people per place, enrollment is about 33-36%.

Faculty of Mechatronics, Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Research

Graduates of this faculty are rarely out of work. Cooperation with well-known research companies and concerns Skoda-Auto, CHEZ, Krist, INISOFT, KAUTEX TEXTRON GMBH & CО and other equally well-known organizations help to decide on a profession and get an offer for a position with a good salary even before graduation.

For master's and doctoral studies, the program "Design of interactive systems" and "Technical Cybernetics" is provided. The core subject is mathematics, so for testing you need to get as complete knowledge of this subject as possible. Despite the popularity of the faculty, the enrollment is quite high — more than 70%.

Faculty of Medical Research

The faculty provides education focused on healthcare and technologies used in the healthcare sector. In scientific and research activities, we closely cooperate with the Liberec Regional Hospital and other medical institutions from all over the Czech Republic.

TUL Liberec: features of admission for foreigners

The Czech Republic provides a budget program for admission to this university. The only condition for studying on a budget form (that is, free of charge) is knowledge of the Czech language at the B2 level. Tuition in English is paid. If there is no desire (or opportunity) to pay for education in English, then it is necessary to take preparatory courses.

Prague Education Center offers a specialized training program for admission to the Technical University in Liberec. Classes include language training, courses in specialized terminology and professional subjects. The center provides its students with accommodation, solves visa and administrative issues, helps to adapt to the country. 

What is the need for language courses for admission to university 

Training programs for admission to Czech technical universities help not only to learn the language, but also to navigate in the chosen direction. In addition to the Czech language, you will have to meet terms and formulas in the profile direction, and it is with them that you will have to work when passing entrance exams, and then when studying at a university. The guarantee of the result upon admission will be a specialized training course, which you can find out about here.

Despite the proximity to the capital (just an hour away), the locals in Liberec practically do not know foreign languages, so you will have to communicate in Czech, and therefore you will quickly master this language. We offer training in conditions as close as possible to those in which students will study:

  • language learning in small groups (adaptation to Russian-speaking people);
  • various programs;
  • lessons at the training center in Liberec, accommodation on the campus with comfortable conditions;
  • comprehensive preparation for entrance exams, respectively, a high percentage of admission to free education;
  • adaptation of foreign students to Czech culture and customs;
  • assistance to students at every stage of admission: collection of documents, visa processing, residence in the Czech Republic, nostrification,
  • entrance exams.

What you need to know about filing documents

Open days in Czech universities are held much earlier than in the CIS countries, detailed information is posted on the official website. In order to be admitted to the exams, it is necessary:

  • To nostrify (confirm the authenticity) of a document on education — a school certificate, a bachelor's or master's degree. 
  • Get a visa (if the state is not a member of the Schengen area) and a residence permit. All forms must be filled out in Czech, Russian-language documents must be translated and notarized.
  • Submit an application to the admissions committee (invitation). 
  • How are the entrance exams

The peculiarity of admission to TUL is a one—stage exam. For foreign applicants who have chosen free education in Czech, they will have to take a language test.

Within a few hours, you will have to "tick" the correct answers (out of the five options presented). The standard test form contains about 70 questions from different subjects. The main ones, of course, are specialized. Since the university is technical, most of the tasks are from the field of mathematics. Also, 1-2 blocks are necessarily devoted to physics, chemistry, computer science. One category is for the possession of abstract and spatial thinking, cultural skills. Points are awarded for a correctly chosen option, an incorrect answer is "penalized" – 0.25 points.

Studying at TUL Liberec: prospects and advantages

Specialists in the sector of mechanical engineering, information technology and applied economics are in demand in the Czech Republic and in many EU countries. The state makes significant investments in national programs, so graduates of the Technical University have the opportunity to stay in the country and receive a salary above average (29-35 thousand kronor, about 1,000 euros). Private enterprises pay more, specialists of Skoda and Volkswagen automakers, who work closely with TUL, guarantee salaries 10-25% higher.

Every year, about 290 different Czech and international companies participate in the selection of the best higher education institutions in the Czech Republic from the position of employers. They evaluate the quality of graduates' preparation for the start of work and the level of their qualifications. In 2017, Liberza Technical University took 4th place.

In addition to the prospects of a well-paid job, the University of Liberec has many other advantages:

  • accommodation in a comfortable hostel (recognized as one of the most comfortable and ergonomic in the Czech Republic);
  • full and varied meals in university cafeterias (the menu can be viewed on the official website);
  • large library;
  • free internet access throughout the campus;
  • internship or semester study at European partner universities;
  • entertainment and sports. Liberec University in the Czech Republic offers various leisure options. Sports grounds with modern equipment are open, students can take part in international competitions.

Not every educational institution in the CIS can organize such a high-quality organization of study and life, even on a commercial basis. And the prospect of free education, obtaining a diploma recognized in Europe, and the demand for graduates in the labor market make TUL one of the most popular universities in the Czech Republic.

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