Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU)

Mendel University includes five faculties and one institute. The university is located in the city of Brno and only the Faculty of Horticulture is located in the small town of Lednice. The university is named after the founder of genetics and the discoverer of the basic laws of inheritance, Gregor Johann Mendel. During its existence, the university has changed its name twice.

Initially, it was called Agricultural, and in 1995 it was renamed the Agricultural and Forestry University. Mendel. Since 2010, the university has had its simplified name – Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU).

In 2019, the Brno Mendel University celebrated its centenary. During this period, the university turned from a "Higher Agricultural School" into a whole educational complex with modern lecture halls, research laboratories, and a campus. The list of partners has also expanded. Today, the Mendel University in Brno cooperates on an ongoing basis with hundreds of specialized educational institutions around the world. Among the partners: University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Louisiana State University, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Germany), Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics (Russia, St. Petersburg), and other universities in Europe and some Asian countries.

Mendel University in Brno is a real chance to get a European education for free


Official name:
Mendel University in Brno


Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 5

Specialties: 40+

Number of years of study: 3-9 years

Training program:
bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies

University named after Mendel in the Czech Republic today: what is interesting for university applicants

The university is among the top 20 universities in the Czech Republic and is famous for its author's training programs, research and discoveries in the field of agronomy, horticulture. The demand for graduates of the Mendel University in Brno in the labor market is very high – about 91% of specialists find a job within the first year after graduation. 

The university received the modern status of an accredited university in 2010, and after the certification carried out in 2012, it received European ECTS Label and Diploma Supplement Label certificates. The availability of such documents is a guarantee that the training program and teaching standards meet the requirements of the Bologna Declaration, respectively, graduates who have received a university diploma have the right to employment in a European company without additional confirmation of qualifications.

Studies at the university are conducted in three degrees: bachelor's degree, Master's degree and doctoral degree. One of the main advantages of Mendelev University is the opportunity to study in Czech for free, regardless of citizenship. 

The University supports the admission of candidates with special needs.

Training programs

74 training programs have been developed for students:

  • 35 for a bachelor's degree
  • 35 — master
  • 's 4 — doctoral

If desired, you can choose a full-time or part-time form of study. In addition to the traditional specialties for future farmers, there are departments where biotechnologies are studied. Specialties in landscape and garden architecture, viticulture and winemaking are of interest. It is possible to increase the "baggage" of knowledge and increase the level of professionalism thanks to international programs - LEONARDO DA VINCI, SOCRATES, AKTION, CEEPUS, which are funded by the government of the Czech Republic.


State University named after Mendel in the city of Brno systematically reacts to changes taking place at the national and international level and flexibly adapts the content, methods and forms of its training system to these changes.

The structure of the Mendel University in Brno consists of five faculties:

  • Faculty of Agronomy
  • Faculty of Forestry and Woodworking
  • Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Faculty of Horticulture
  • Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies

In addition, students can improve their qualifications or get another specialty in a subsidiary structure — the Institute of Additional Education.

Qualification of teachers

Lectures and seminars are conducted by teachers with a scientific degree not lower than an associate professor. In total, the staff of the University named after Mendel has 894 researchers in Brno, of which 292 are professors. Teachers from partner universities are invited to share their experience. So, during the academic year, 444 foreign specialists were invited to conduct specialized classes.

Language of instruction

Of the 74 study programs, only 24 are taught in a foreign language (English), all the others are in the official language of the Czech Republic. Regardless of the faculty, the chosen specialty and the period of study, the applicant must be proficient in the Czech language. To confirm the required level of language knowledge, the applicant provides a certificate of a class not lower than B1/ B2 (more about language levels) or takes an exam at Mendel University. For admission to the budget — excellent command of the Czech language is mandatory, this criterion is regulated by the state program of the Czech Republic "on admission of foreign students to Czech universities".

The Prague Educational Center, together with the Mendel University in Brno, conducts a language training program for applicants from CIS countries. During the course, you will not only master the Czech language to the level necessary for admission, but also prepare for specialized subjects under the guidance of teachers of Czech universities. This program gives you the opportunity to get two certificates of language proficiency at once: from the Prague Educational Center and from the Mendel University.
Apply and get a guarantee of quality training from PEC and one of the best universities in the Czech Republic!

Competition and exams at the Mendel University in Brno

As in any educational institution, Mendel University in Brno has specialties that many applicants and less popular faculties seek to get into. The competition depends on the demand for the department and the number of people willing to get on the budget. The statistics of admission to Mendel University in Brno according to the official website are as follows:

The most popular is the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies. 450 students are recruited annually, while more than 1,000 people submit documents. The competition — almost 3 applicants for a place, enrollment — about 39%. The department is recognized as one of the most professional in the Czech Republic. Graduates can apply for positions in government bodies throughout the European Union. Before enrolling, you will have to pass a test for "aptitude" – TSP, the purpose of which is to determine the applicant's readiness to assimilate complex material. The test consists of blocks with a question and five possible answers. Your task is to mark the correct answer, for which 1 point is awarded. In addition, language proficiency tests (one to choose from) have been prepared for future businessmen: English; German; French.

The competition is 1.5-2 people for a place at the faculties of business and Economics (51% of enrollment), horticulture (62% of enrollment). Most often, they apply for the specialties of viticulture and winemaking, technology management in horticulture, management of garden and landscape management. Graduates of the Master's degree with honors are awarded the degree of "Master of Horticultural Sciences of international class"

Agronomy and forestry faculties also do not lack students, despite a small competition of 1.1-1.3 people per place. You can enroll in agronomic specialties through a certificate competition, bypassing the stage of entrance exams.

When applying to other faculties, it is necessary to take specialized subjects. You can prepare for them on the official website of the university.

Prospects of studying in the Czech Republic

According to the State Department of Employment of the Czech Republic, graduates of Mendel University get a job in the first 3 months after graduation. The official unemployment rate is less than 10%. Holders of a master's degree are more in demand, so it makes sense to take master's exams after graduation. If you wish, you can combine work and distance learning.

Since the diplomas of the Mendel University in Brno are recognized in the EU countries, it is easy to imagine the salary level. For example, in the Czech Republic, which needs agricultural specialists, since its territory is home to the richest forests and horticultural farms, the average salary in this industry is about 20 thousand crowns per month (almost 800 euros). If we consider that life and food in the country are much cheaper than in the CIS countries, then such an income is considered quite decent. In the future, there is a prospect of finding a job in Germany, Denmark or Norway, where salaries are 20-40% higher.

What applicants need to know

Since the university supports the state development program, Czech citizens and foreigners have the opportunity to study for free. In addition, a good scholarship is paid, which depends on the final grades. Most subjects are taught in Czech, so applicants without an extensive language base are recommended to attend language courses.

How the Prague Education Center will help

Our program is designed for Russian-speaking students, so it will be easy to adapt. The branch of the educational center is located in Brno, respectively, you will have the opportunity to "explore" the city even before admission and settle in another country. Own teaching methods and experienced teachers guarantee that students will master a new language as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition, our graduates are entitled to a unique support system. 

Submission of documents

The main difference is that the acceptance of applications does not begin at the end of the exams in high school, but even in winter. The admissions committee is open until the end of March, there are some differences in faculties and programs, which can be found on the official website of Mendel University in Brno. Copies or originals of the certificate (diploma) of education, medical certificate and long-term visa can be submitted by e-mail.

A certificate or diploma obtained outside the Czech Republic must be nostrified — to confirm compliance with Czech education.

Studying at Mendel University: advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with a minus – it is forbidden to "snack" in the classrooms and laboratories of the university, it is not recommended to bring food to study. But there are enough places where you can eat deliciously — public canteens and cafeterias are located on campus and in the university building. Students can set up the UIS system from their smartphone and the amount for breakfast, lunch or dinner will be automatically debited from their personal account. For example, you can eat at the expense of a scholarship.

The following advantages should also be noted:

  • A huge library, available in electronic format.
  • Sports grounds for playing football, volleyball, basketball.
  • Own audio and video center.
  • The possibility of a semester or one-year internship in one of the partner institutions.
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