Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague (VŠCHT)

What do a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, FEANI members and admission without exams have in common? The above "numerators" have a common "denominator" - they all concern the VŠCHT in Prague. Today, VŠCHT is one of the most popular in the Czech Republic.

The University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague is the largest educational institution of its kind in Central Europe. Several Nobel Prize winners in the field of chemistry have worked and are working here as teachers and researchers. The curriculum of the new institute emphasizes mathematical, physical and physico-chemical foundations. Graduates of the institution are not threatened by unemployment: according to the data of the Prague employment center, people with a diploma VŠCHT are employed within 2 months after graduation from the alma mater. "Unemployed" remain about 5% of former students, usually because they are looking for more favorable working conditions.

Yesterday and today: how the Institute of Chemistry and Technology in Prague was founded and developed


Official name:
Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze


Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 4

Specialties: 20+

Number of years of study: 4-9 years

Study program:
Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree


The modern name and status of the university received in 1952, but this is only the official date of opening. The oldest faculties of the higher school were founded back in 1807, when on the basis of polytechnic college began to train chemists-technologists for the developing machine-building industry.

The first reorganization and division into departments took place in 1920: from the 1920s to the 1950s, VŠCHT was part of the Czech Technical University.


The University of Chemistry and Technology applies the most modern developments in the field of nano- and biotechnology. It offers both traditional specialties and new programs that meet the latest trends in education. The university faculties have been taught by world-renowned chemists, including Nobel Prize winners in chemistry. This educational institution graduates specialists in a whole range of chemical-technological specialties.

Today the Institute of Chemistry and Technology in Prague has 4 faculties, where more than 50 disciplines are studied, most of which are related to chemistry. There are 509 professors and associate professors engaged in teaching activities. Students undergo practical training at partner enterprises. The university has been repeatedly recognized as the best in the Czech Republic and has earned membership in the European Association of Universities and the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy. There are 3 programs of study for incoming and existing students:

  • Bachelor's degree - 3-4 years of lectures and practical training;
  • Master's degree - 2 years;
  • Doctoral studies - 4 years with a Master's degree.

The educational institution was one of the first to support the state program on the possibility of training foreign citizens on a budgetary basis.

Famous graduates

Did you know that the world might have been left without modern (soft) contact lenses if Otto Wichterle, their inventor, had not been among the first graduates? It was at VŠCHT that he not only acquired the necessary knowledge, but was also able to work in laboratories that even in the 50s were considered state-of-the-art.

Vladimir Prelog, known to the entire world community as the winner of the Nobel Prize in 1975 for his outstanding research in chemistry, also studied and received his doctoral degree at this university.

Faculties and specialties

The Higher School of Chemistry and Technology in Prague is divided into 4 main faculties, each of which is divided into several narrow specialties. Applicants have the opportunity to become students of the faculties:

Faculty of Chemical Technologies

The faculty was founded in 1960, then it was called the Faculty of Automation and Economics of Chemical Productions. The faculty consisted of 4 departments. In 1969 the faculty was renamed into chemical-engineering faculty. The characteristic of the curricula is their universality, without specificity on a separate specialty or technology. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for students to work in various fields and areas both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The following programs are available at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. The main subjects studied are: applied chemistry, pharmaceutical production, peculiarities of restoration (chemical) of antiquities. The specialization is chosen after listening to the general course of lectures. The faculty is characterized by high enrollment. A rich research program is offered for students of this course:

  • Bioinformatics and Chemical Informatics;
  • Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;
  • Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Litvinov studies);
  • Chemistry and Materials Technology;
  • Chemistry of biomaterials for medical use;
  • Conservation-restoration of works of art;
  • Industrial Chemistry;
  • Synthesis and production of drugs;
  • Technology of conservation-restoration of objects of cultural heritage.

The students of the University of Chemistry and Technology are given the opportunity to work with the best measuring instruments, which takes place during practical classes, which is an integral part of education in this university. The faculty conducts scientific research both in the Czech Republic and abroad, so its graduates are not afraid of unemployment, the best students receive job offers after the completion of the study program.

Faculty of Environmental Technology

This faculty studies ways to protect the environment, analyzes bills related to the environment, and conducts engineering analysis aimed at improving the quality of life. Within the bachelor's and master's degree program, the major specialties in EQ Technology are:

  • Water and Environment;
  • Energy and Fuels;
  • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Analysis.

In addition to the above-mentioned disciplines, postgraduate students study in-depth physico-chemical processes in the energy industry.

Training is closely connected with scientific work at all faculties, so students have the opportunity to participate in grant projects. Which are further realized in the industry, in the ministry, as well as by foreign investments.

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technologies

The Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technologies received its current name in 1969, previously it was the Faculty of Food Technologies, which existed since 1952. As the name makes clear, students in this faculty specialize in the study of modern technologies for the creation and peer review of food and medical products. Undergraduate and graduate studies include:

  • Biochemistry and Biotechnology;
  • Forensic Medical Analysis;
  • Forensic and bioanalytical chemistry;
  • Food Chemistry and Analysis and Nutrition;
  • Food Chemistry and Technology.

One of the most demanded faculties of the Institute of Chemistry and Technology accepts about 700 students per course annually, the competition is more than in other specialties - almost 2 people per place, the enrollment rate is just above 54%. The faculty is a major research center. Scientific activities are carried out in the field of basic and applied research.

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

The Faculty of Chemical Engineering was founded in 1969 as a result of the merger of the Faculty of Inorganic Technology and the Faculty of Organic Technology. Teaching at the faculty is based on a century of experience in teaching chemical disciplines. It is difficult to imagine modern science without computerization and electronic processing of laboratory research. This faculty graduates specialists in informatics, engineering, expert analysis of chemical constituents in any sphere: fuel, food, engineering, agrarian, medical. For a wider outlook lectures on management are given.

Since its origin the faculty has been active in scientific activity. Research conducted here takes into account the needs of the Czech chemical industry, and special attention is paid to optimization and development of new technological methods.

Do you want to hear useful information about VŠCHT from the mouth of a student of this university? Then watch this video, in which our alumna will tell you about all the nuances of studying at VŠCHT:


There are three important points. Let's start with a pleasant one - foreign applicants have the right to apply to a university and take entrance exams on the same basis as Czech citizens. Also, foreigners can enroll for free and even receive scholarships from the university. Now the most important point is that you need to have at least B2 level Czech language skills for admission (read more about Czech language levels). You can master the Czech language at preparatory courses.

The Graduate School of Chemical Technology has repeatedly been ranked among the best universities in the world. According to the latest published QS rating, HSCT is ranked 301st in the list of the most prestigious chemical universities in the world. And in the general rating of all higher education institutions, compiled by Times Higher Education magazine, the Institute of Chemical Technology occupies 501 positions.

Why take language courses:

To pass the entrance exams, you need language skills at the B2-C1 level (a language base roughly at the level of a high school student in the Czech Republic). Add to this chemical and mathematical terms, formulas and the ability to describe the action of reagents in Czech. Therefore, if you need a guarantee of admission - the best way out is to enroll in a language course, the advantages of which are as follows:

  • They provide the necessary basis for enrollment. Adapted for Russian-speaking students. Training is conducted in small groups, the teacher can work individually with each student.
  • The possibility of language practice in the Czech Republic, which allows you to immerse yourself in a natural environment and communicate with native speakers live, adopting the features of speech.
  • Psychological adaptation. The courses not only teach you how to speak, but also instill certain cultural values peculiar to Czechs.
  • All Prague Education Center programs can be completed online, saving money on the program itself and accommodation, as well as protecting yourself from the risk of border and consulate closures.

Peculiarities of the application process

Remember that unlike CIS countries, the admission committee of the Higher School of Chemical Technology in Prague starts working in January instead of June. The admission regulations are described in detail on the official website of VŠCHT. Depending on what form of study you are going to enroll in, there are different requirements.

Bachelor's degree

Graduates of general education schools apply by March 31. The application is submitted electronically on the university website. Nostrification of the certificate is obligatory.

If everything is in order, and the grades in biology, physics and chemistry for the last 4 school years are more than high, the applicant is invited to take a Czech language test (in mid-June). The exam is taken by the relevant department in two stages. The first one is a written test. The difficulty is B2 SERR, i.e. the future bachelor must demonstrate mastery of specific terminology. Then he is interviewed. Those wishing to become restorers also pass an exam on drawing and modeling.

Special feature: in addition to documents, it is necessary to submit a list of all subjects studied in the last four years in general education, including grades in individual subjects.

Master's Degree

Holders of a bachelor's degree are required to undergo nostrification of the document on the obtained education. Medical certificate, motivation letter, passport copy are obligatory. It is desirable to provide a list of scientific works and publications (if any).

Students send the application form by mid-April. The collected package of documents (including also a nostrified bachelor's degree) is submitted by them to the student department in person or by mail. The dean's office decides whether they will be admitted immediately or whether they must pass an entrance exam. In the second case, they receive a notification with the date and place of testing. The topics are posted on the official faculty website. It differs depending on the specialty. It will also be necessary to pass a language exam.

Postgraduate studies (doctoral studies)

Applications for doctoral studies at the Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague are accepted until April 16. Original or notarized copies must be sent by e-mail:

  • Master's diploma (nostrified);
  • letter of motivation (in Czech);
  • Czech language certificate;
  • curriculum vitae;
  • identity document (passport);
  • medical certificate.

You should not be "late" in submitting your application, it will simply not be considered. Also remember that the process of nostrification is not the fastest, it can take up to 30 days, especially in the "peak" of enrollment. We hope that after reading how to apply to VŠCHT you will avoid difficulties and successfully become a student of a popular university.


The Institute of Chemistry and Technology in Prague often shares information about its own research and achievements, posting them on the official website. There you can also read reviews from international students. Keeping objectivity, it is possible to note such pros of receiving education at VŠCHT:


There is always access to the Internet. The university library is one of the largest in the country. Consulting professors experienced not only in the theory but also in the practice of innovative chemical technologies. Ultra-modern laboratories, modernized lecture halls. Support of Erasmus+ program. The institution is a partner of 100 foreign institutes and universities, so student exchange is a common phenomenon.

Life and leisure

There are several campuses with comfortable living conditions, a student canteen and several cafeterias. Since the university specializes in food technology, the balance and usefulness of food - guaranteed.

Spending free time is variable. Students live in the capital of the Czech Republic, and Prague is a famous tourist center. Don't like excursions and sightseeing? Well-equipped sports grounds are at your disposal, you can sign up for professional teams and travel to international competitions.

The Higher School of Chemistry and Technology gives not only European education and a diploma, which is recognized in dozens of countries, but also an opportunity for comprehensive development and a prestigious profession. Finally, a little secret: according to statistics, students who have completed their studies in the capital of the Czech Republic find jobs in the country more quickly and easily, and in Prague the salary level is 10-30% higher than in the regions.

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