Higher Technical and Economic School in České Budějovice (VŠTE)

The Ceske Budejovice University of Technology and Economics opened its doors to students only in 2006, making it the youngest public university in the Czech Republic specializing in economic and technical disciplines.

This university has always been very popular not only with applicants but also with employers. The reason for this is its location, because the city in which it is located is in the South Moravian region. All managers of these organizations regularly need to hire highly qualified specialists in the economic and technical sphere, for this reason, it has never been difficult for local students to find a place for internships, traineeships and even jobs. Up until 2014, the university offered only 3-year bachelor's degree programs. 8 years after the opening of the university, the admission of applicants for master's programs began. In addition to the standard levels of education, the school provides an opportunity to study for two years in the European Council of Business Administration program, upon completion of which the student receives an MBA degree.

At the moment, the Ceske Budejovice University of Technology and Economics (or University of Technology and Economics) is still gaining popularity. Thanks to its support, it actively conducts research activities, develops the latest programs for student education, and introduces the latest teaching methods.

Studies are conducted in the Czech language in the following specialties:

  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Fisheries and Water Resources Protection
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Pedagogy
  • Faculty of Natural History
  • Faculty of Theology
  • Faculty of Medicine and Social Sciences
  • Agrarian faculty

Each of the directions is quite popular among applicants.

In addition to unique specializations and highly qualified teaching staff, future students are also attracted by the new lecture halls and dormitory rooms available at the university.

The Ceske Budejovice University of Technology and Economics combines the popular programs of the Graduate School of Economics in Prague and the Czech Technical University. At the same time, accommodation in a small town is much cheaper than in Prague.

Ceske Budejovice

Official name:
Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích

Website: https://www.vstecb.cz/ru-student-1396-htm/

Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 8

Number of years of study: 3-7 years

Study program:
Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Doctoral degree

10 reasons to study at VŠTE

1. Quality and demanded education

Despite its young age, VŠTE has long established itself as one of the best technical universities in the Czech Republic. It has specialties rarely found in other universities, such as "Logistics". This specialty is taught at the Czech Institute of Logistics, but it can be studied there only on a fee basis.

2. practical skills orientation

A clear advantage of this school is its focus on practical skills of students. During a whole semester you can hone your theoretical knowledge in one of the Czech companies with which the university cooperates. At the moment the number of these organizations exceeds 1000.

3. free education in the Czech language

Due to the fact that the school was opened relatively recently, many applicants have the idea that this is a private university, for which they will have to pay. Luckily for students, however, the school is public and tuition is free of charge.

4. Fair assessment system

All exams, credits and tests in the Higher School of Technology and Economics are conducted in writing, which avoids subjectivity in assessing the knowledge of the student. In case of dissatisfaction with the mark received, a student can always ask an outside teacher to re-check his/her work.

5. High percentage of employment of graduates

Thanks to the constant internships and practicums that are organized by the university while still studying, all students have time to gain the experience necessary at the beginning of their careers. This is the reason why, according to the latest internal research of the university, more than 97% of VŠTE graduates get a job in the first two months after graduation.

6. Equipment of the university

In 2016, the university opened a new laboratory building, fully equipped with the latest technology. Future engineers can freely use horizontal numerical control (NC) or three-dimensional coordinate measuring devices.

7. Study Abroad

All full-time students of the Graduate School of Engineering and Economics can participate in international student exchanges within the Erasmus + program.

In addition, the University has bilateral agreements with leading universities in China and South Korea, which also allow students to study in another country for a whole semester. In addition, VŠTE actively organizes international conferences and summer schools with participants coming from all over the world.

8. Active student life

Every semester at VŠTE is not only full of academic lectures, seminars and workshops. There are also various student activities, which are quite often organized by students on their own initiative. The school, in turn, tries to organize as many professional workshops and job fairs as possible.

9. Scholarship

The university provides a large number of scholarships for international students, honors students and athletes.

10. Convenient timetable

From the very first year, students are able to organize their own timetable. This gives them the opportunity to decide for themselves whether they start their studies in the morning or in the afternoon and how intensively they want to study during the week, with or without weekends.

Conditions of admission

The application together with the documents is submitted by the applicant via the official website of the South Bohemia University or in person to the Admissions Office. If the content and set of documents satisfies the representatives of the university, the applicant receives a notification containing a description of his further actions. Thus, he must come to the specified place and take tests in several subjects. For wrong answers there is a fine, and the correct answers are evaluated in 1 point. By the way, at some faculties testing is not carried out. It is about agricultural, pedagogical and economic. Here there is a competition of certificates.

To enroll, foreigners first of all need to confirm their knowledge of the Czech language at the B2 level with a state certificate and pass the nostrification of their previous education.

There are no entrance examinations as such at the university. The selection of applicants is based on the competition of diplomas. Chances of admission: 95%.

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