Charles University in Prague (UK)

Charles University proudly bears the title of one of the oldest universities in the world. It is also the most popular university in the Czech Republic among applicants. This higher educational institution was founded by the King of the Czech Republic and the Roman Emperor Charles IV in the middle of the XIV century. To date, over 50,000 students, of whom one in six is a foreigner, are studying at 17 faculties and have the opportunity to attend lectures by the best teachers of leading universities in the world. 300 training programs are presented for the choice of the applicant.

Charles University is a member of the European University Association (EUA) along with such renowned universities as Oxford, the Sorbonne, the University of Munich and the University of Geneva.

Successfully cooperates with the universities of Milan, Heidelberg, Gdansk and Warsaw.


Official name:
Univerzita Karlova v Praze


Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 17

Specialties: 300+

Number of years of study: 4-9 years

Training program:
bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies

The year 1348 is considered to be the year of the foundation of Charles University

Many historical upheavals and religious vicissitudes awaited the first Czech university throughout its centuries-old history. In 1781, significant transformations began at Charles University: non-Catholics received the right to study, and later in 1784 German became the language of instruction for reasons of utilitarianism, as Latin gradually fell out of use and was replaced by "living" modern languages.

In 1882, by decree of Emperor Franz Joseph I, Charles University was divided into two educational institutions in the main language of instruction: Czech and German. Women have been eligible to study at Charles University since the 1890s.

Interesting fact. Until the 17th century, a place in a student dormitory was provided only after taking a vow of celibacy.

The University has been growing and expanding significantly in the twentieth century. From 1920 to 1991, the faculties of Natural Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, Pedagogy, Pharmacy and many others were opened. 14 of the 17 faculties are located in Prague, 2 in Hradec Kralove and 1 in Pilsen.

The names of many outstanding scientists and outstanding historical figures are associated with Charles University. Tomas Garrik Massarik, who later became the first president of Czechoslovakia, taught and was a professor at Charles University.

A world-renowned scientist Albert Einstein not only taught, but also engaged in scientific activity at this university in 1911-12.

Franz Kafka, a famous writer, philosopher and thinker, studied at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. Also left their mark in the history of the first Czech university: the national hero of the Czech Republic, the preacher Jan Gus, physics engineer Nikola Tesla and many others.


The academic year is traditionally divided into two semesters: autumn and spring. Each semester consists of a study period, an examination period and a vacation.

As in many universities in the Czech Republic, the autumn semester begins at the end of September. During the Catholic Christmas and New Year, students and teachers go on vacation. The spring semester begins in mid-February and ends with the summer holidays from the beginning of July.

Programs: Karl University conducts undergraduate, master's, and “subsequent master's” programs, and also has a doctoral program.

Some faculties of Czech universities offer only master's degree programs. It should be understood that you can enroll in them immediately after graduation. The difference is that they do not have an intermediate bachelor's degree, and the training lasts 5-6 years. There are also "Subsequent Master's Degree" programs, for which applicants are accepted on the basis of a bachelor's degree.


In this university of the Czech Republic, teaching is conducted in Czech and English. There are also several programs in German and French. It is important to remember that studying in the Czech Republic is free only if you study in Czech.

Faculties of Charles University:

  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Law
  • 1st medical faculty
  • 2nd medical faculty
  • 3rd medical faculty
  • Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
  • Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove
  • Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Catholic Theological Faculty
  • Protestant Theological Faculty
  • Hussite Theological Faculty

One of the most popular at Charles University are the Faculty of Philosophy, Medicine and Law.


The Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University provides applicants with a wide range of specialties in addition to philosophy. Every year thousands of people want to enroll in this faculty. The Faculty of Philosophy has about 8000 students who often become leaders of public life in the Czech Republic. The faculty has the opportunity to combine specializations. Among the most popular areas of training are political science, sociology, psychology and social work. Here you can also study foreign languages, pedagogy, musicology, cinematography, theater arts and many other areas.

Entrance exams depend on the specialty. Written or oral examinations in general and special subjects may be submitted.

The exam evaluates the applicant's historical outlook, his interest in cultural and political events and the ability to critically read professional texts.

The Faculty of Philosophy has the following Bachelor 's degree programs:

  • Historical sciences
  • Logic
  • Pedagogy
  • Phonetics
  • Theatrical art
  • Aesthetics
  • History of Art
  • Cinematography
  • Musicology
  • Anglistics-American Studies
  • Czech language and literature
  • Italian
  • Japanese language and culture
  • Sinology
  • Indology
  • Korean language
  • Hebrew

And many others.

The Faculty of Philosophy also offers a wide range of master's and doctoral programs:

  • 73 master's degree programs
  • More than 80 doctoral programs


The Faculty of Law is one of the first four faculties of the university. In 1348 it was founded on the basis of the Faculty of Liberal Arts. The Faculty is of great importance in the construction of a legal and independent state of the Czech Republic. The training lasts 5 years and is exclusively in Czech, after which you receive the title of master. This is the case when you can enroll in a master's program after graduation. There is no short bachelor's version. 

The ZSV and OSP tests are conducted by the SCIO organization six times a year – from December to May. Thanks to this, each applicant has the opportunity to take the test several times and provide their best result upon admission. 

Admission conditions:

  • Diploma of secondary/higher education
  • Prerequisites for Learning Test (OSP)
  • Test "Fundamentals of Social Sciences" (ZSV)
  • Certificate of proficiency in the Czech language – level B2

Additional points can be obtained if you have:

  • Certificate with honors.
  • There is a certificate of passing the exam in a foreign language of the state or international standard (not lower than the B2 level).

Doctoral programs:

In Czech:

  • European law 
  • Financial law and finance
  • Private international law 
  • International law 
  • Civil law 
  • Commercial law 
  • Labor law and social protection law 
  • Legal history and Roman law 
  • Environmental law 
  • Administrative law and public administration 
  • Theory, philosophy and sociology of law 
  • Criminal law, criminology and criminology 
  • Constitutional law and State studies 

The program is in English:

  • Law and legal theory in the European Context (English Lawand Legal Theory in European Context)


About 3,000 applicants are selected annually and 540 graduates of all disciplines per year.

The First Medical Faculty of Charles University is the oldest medical faculty in Central Europe and the largest medical faculty of the Czech Republic. Practical classes are held in five Prague hospitals. The faculty demonstrates significant success in research in the field of oncology, neurology and hereditary disorders, metabolism and cardiovascular medicine.

Knowledge of the Czech language at the C1 level is required!

The 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University conducts training in Czech and English.

In Czech:

  • Master's degree (for school graduates) in general medicine (6 years of training) and dentistry (5 years of training).
  • Bachelor's degree in specialty programs in the field of healthcare in the courses: addictology, physiotherapy, dietetics, occupational therapy.
  • Bachelor's degree in Obstetrics program. Course: midwife.

There are also "subsequent master's programs" of specialization (for holders of a bachelor's degree) in the field of healthcare in the following areas: addictology, intensive therapy, occupational therapy and dietetics.

Courses of addictology, dietetics and intensive therapy can also be conducted in a combined form (with other courses).

In English:

Students can get a master's degree in general medicine and dentistry programs. The tuition fee is 15,000 euros per year.

Studying in English gives many undoubted advantages, among others – the opportunity to study exchange within the Erasmus and IFMSA programs in other universities of the world. In recent years, the number of students participating in such exchanges has increased significantly.

800 students from 50 countries study at the 1st Medical Faculty in English.

Facts about the first Medical faculty:

  • 1,700 research and teaching staff, including 330 professors and associate professors;
  • There are 3 students per teacher;
  • Training in groups of 25 people;
  • 350 additional subjects in Czech and English;
  • Clinics in 5 Prague hospitals: VFN, Hospital on Na Bulovce, Thomayerova nemocnice, UVN Praha, FN Motol;
  • 220 trips of students to foreign internships per year.

Entrance exams: First-year students of the Master's program of general and dental medicine are recruited according to the results of a written test in physics, chemistry, biology in one round.

For applicants of the bachelor's and subsequent master's degree programs, only a biology test is conducted, or a test aimed at evaluating the knowledge obtained with a bachelor's degree.


The second medical faculty of Charles University was once called the "Faculty of Pediatric Medicine". Nowadays, it provides comprehensive training in general medicine, and also allows you to gain in-depth knowledge in specific areas of pediatrics. The duration of training under the programs is 6 years. The Faculty works closely with the Motol Clinical Hospital, the largest clinic in the Czech Republic.

The 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University, as well as the 1st, offers training in Czech and English.

Knowledge of the Czech language at the B2 level is required!

Entrance exams: Applicants take a test in biology, physics, chemistry and are interviewed.

Education in Czech:

  • Master's degree (for school graduates) in the general medicine program (6 years of study). 
  • Bachelor's degree. General nursing (combined training for 3 years), 2 people per place, 51 out of 144 are enrolled. Pediatrics (combined training for 3 years), 1/2 person per place, 44 out of 72 are enrolled. Physiotherapy (3 years of training), 6 people per place, 66 out of 415 are enrolled.
  • A subsequent master's program with a specialization in physiotherapy. Competition: 4 people per place, 35 out of 172 accepted

The general medicine program can also be studied in English.

The second medical faculty is distinguished by an individual approach to students. According to statistics, there is an average of 1 teacher per 4 students. The number of deductions at the second medical faculty is much lower than at the first.


Previously it was called the Medical Hygiene Faculty. After the reform, he also began to offer training in basic medical specialties, while maintaining an emphasis on preventive medicine. The educational base of the faculty are hospitals Královské Vinohrady, Nemocnice na Bulovce, Thomayerova nemocnice and others. The faculty actively cooperates with state medical institutes for drug control, postgraduate education in the field of healthcare, Secondary Medical School.

Students of the third medical faculty have been working with patients since the first year. This faculty is considered the best in terms of gaining practical experience.

Entrance exams: Exams depend on your chosen specialty. Most often, biology, physics, chemistry tests and interviews are conducted at the faculties. 


  • The bachelor's degree offers the programs "nurse", "physiotherapy", "public health", "dental hygiene".
  • Magistracy: "medical business". The training period is 6 years.

The third faculty, unlike the first and second, does not provide samples of standard examination tasks. There are no official requirements for knowledge of the Czech language, but a proficiency level of at least C1 will be required to pass the interview.


One of the five medical faculties of Charles University in Pilsen. It is one of the three faculties of Charles University, which are located outside Prague, the other two are located in Hradec Kralove (medical and pharmaceutical). The training and research department at the faculty are conducted on the basis of the Faculty Hospital Pilsen.

The first two years of study are aimed at studying theoretical specialties – biology, biophysics, anatomy, histology, physiology and biochemistry. In the third and fourth year, preclinical subjects are studied – pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, microbiology, pharmacology and clinical training begins. Clinical specialties are studied at the senior courses.


  • General medicine – 6 years
  • Dentistry – 5 years

Entrance exams: A written test of 90 questions in chemistry, biology and physics. There are no oral exams.

There are training programs in English.

All students of the faculty have the opportunity to gain experience outside the Czech Republic during the summer holidays. Partly for this reason, but more in connection with the requirement for students to study foreign sources, in addition to Latin, the curriculum includes English and another foreign language.


At first, this faculty considered itself a branch of the Prague Faculty of General Medicine. In 1945 it became an independent faculty. Throughout its existence, the faculty has managed to achieve tremendous success in training medical personnel and research workers who specialize in the clinical and preventive field of medicine.

The first two years are aimed at studying the main theoretical disciplines and getting the first experience of working with patients. For the next two years, students study preclinical disciplines, therapy and surgical propaedeutics and some clinical specialties. In the third year, students take an exam in English in the field of medicine. In the fifth year, clinical subjects are studied. Last year students work with patients.


  • General medicine – 6 years
  • Dentistry – 5 years

Entrance exams. Written test in anatomy and physiology, chemistry, biology and physics. There are no oral exams.

English - language programs are gaining: 125 students for general medicine and 25 for dentistry.

Similarly to other faculties, in the first two years training is conducted in general subjects: biology, anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, etc. In the third and fourth years, preclinical subjects are studied. Later – clinical.


Pharmacy is a medical industry that focuses on research, production, control, supply and distribution of medicines and medicines. It also examines information about medicinal and pharmaceutical functions, organizations, management of pharmaceutical functions in the healthcare system (social pharmacy) and the historical development of the industry.

At Charles University, students study and develop cancer drugs in laboratories to develop methods for their analysis. Modern equipment is used. There are students from all over the world. The training takes place in Czech and English.


  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Laboratory diagnostics in healthcare

The Bachelor's degree program in laboratory diagnostics lasts 3 years. Master's degree in Pharmacy – 5 years. There is also a Pharmacy program for further master's training.

There are training programs in English and doctoral studies.

Entrance exams: Admission requires passing written tests in biology (including botany) and a chemistry course. It is also necessary to document the knowledge of the Czech language at a high level. 


Currently, the Faculty of Education is one of the best departments of Charles University. This is a professional specialized organization that influences the whole educational sphere of the Czech Republic - from preschool education to adult education. The Faculty's Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Research is the only university research center in the Czech Republic in this field.

The training is conducted according to bachelor's, master's, doctoral programs, as well as additional professional education.

The Bachelor's degree program trains teachers of preschool education, specialists in child pedagogy and psychology with an emphasis on education (except physics and geography). There is also a special pedagogy program. At the same time, the program does not provide a teacher qualification.

The Master's program gives the qualification of a teacher and the right to teach general education subjects in primary and secondary schools. International students can study in some programs in English. The Faculty participates in the international Erasmus Mundus program.

Entrance exams: they can take place in several stages and depend on the specialty. A creative exam determines the applicant's prerequisites for learning, and a written or oral exam may consist of subjects provided for by the specialty.

The faculty is not only an educational unit, but also a center for scientific research. Teachers of the Pedagogical Faculty have won more than a hundred grants from domestic and international agencies. The Pedagogical Faculty also conducts extensive publishing activities. The data of the accreditation commission show that among the nine pedagogical faculties of the Czech Republic, the Faculty of Charles University occupies a leading position in all indicators.


One of the youngest among all the faculties of the university. It was founded in 1990 with the aim of training qualified employees with higher education for the state apparatus, administrative management, economic management, social policy and work, diplomatic services, mass media of all types and for conducting research in the field of sociology, economics, public opinion, political relations, mass communication. The faculty studies sociology, public and social policy, political science, international relations, mass media and journalism.

Students are trained for a bachelor's degree and for continuing master's programs according to the following programs:

  • economic theory
  • political science
  • sociology
  • international territorial studies
  • international economic studies
  • medial and communication studies

Mandatory test for applicants: OSP test.

Applicants also have access to 4 programs in English:

  • "Economics and Finance"
  • "History and Regional Studies"
  • "Politics, Philosophy and Economics"
  • "Sociology"

Subsequent Master's programs of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Czech:

  • "Economics and Finance". The entrance exam consists of tests in English, mathematics, microeconomics and macroeconomics.
  • "Media" there are full-time and part-time forms of education. Applicants are accepted based on the results of the first stage – the English language test. And also according to the results of the test certifying general cultural and political knowledge, knowledge of the history of the 19th and 20th centuries. Main orientation in social sciences, mass media, including interpretation of professional text.
  • "International Relations"
  • "Sociology"
  • "Political Science"
    , etc.


Mathematical sciences and astronomy were studied at Charles University at the time of its foundation, when they were part of the basic education at the Faculty of Liberal Arts — the predecessor of the Faculty of Philosophy. The theory of relativity of A. Einstein has achieved recognition at Charles University.

The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics separated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences in 1952.

Undergraduate degree programs are provided in the following subjects: physics, mathematics and computer science, which specialize as follows:

  • Applied Physics
  • General physics
  • Financial mathematics
  • Mathematical methods of information security
  • General mathematics
  • Mathematics in education
  • Physics in Education
  • General computer science
  • Bioinformatics
  • Programming and software systems
  • Software and information support
  • And others.

Entrance tests: Applicants must pass the faculty's test on the prerequisites for training. The test contains tasks on logical thinking, accuracy of expression of thought, mathematics within the framework of the secondary school program).

The faculty also trains teachers for secondary schools. The faculty has postgraduate courses — both full-time and part-time.

Master's degree programs:

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Biophysics and chemical physics
  • Physics of surfaces and ionized medium
  • Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
  • Geophysics
  • Nuclear and subnuclear physics
  • Optics and optoelectronics
  • Theoretical physics
  • Teaching physics
  • Mathematical and computer modeling in physics and engineering
  • Meteorology
  • Climatology
  • Discrete models and algorithms
  • Mathematical linguistics
  • Software systems
  • Theoretical computer science
  • Teaching computer science
  • Financial and Insurance mathematics
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Mathematical methods of information security
  • Mathematical modeling in physics and engineering
  • Mathematical structures
  • Computational mathematics
  • Probability, mathematical statistics and econometrics
  • Teaching mathematics

Entrance tests: Candidates are required to provide documents on their proficiency in the Czech language at the B2, C1 or C2 level. Also, applicants are invited to solve 4 tasks, which are given 120 minutes.


The aim of his professional research is a wide range of sciences about man and human society. This is primarily philosophy, history, social sciences (psychology, sociology and socio-cultural anthropology), languages or art. In the first year of study, students get acquainted with the basics of these disciplines, in the future they have the opportunity to choose the direction of specialization at the expense of subjects to choose from, as well as continue their studies at subsequent master's programs.

For undergraduate studies, one program is presented – "Humanitarian Studies" in Czech and English. In the Master's degree program, it is divided into 4 different programs.

The Bachelor of Humanities Studies program introduces the student to both the field of social sciences (socio-cultural anthropology, psychology, sociology) and history and philosophy. This content of the program provides a unique opportunity to learn to understand the relationship between these disciplines, as well as to get such a wide range of courses to study, which is difficult to find in highly specialized programs. Among the available courses, for example, history and theory of arts, management, economics, ecology, fine arts and others.

Entrance exams: Translation of the text from one of the international languages (English, French, German) and questions about the text in Czech.


Students are trained in two directions: teaching and research. Graduates of the faculty with a research specialization work in state or corporate research institutions and centers. Graduate teachers work in public or private schools.

Areas of training:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Demographics
  • Chemistry
  • Ecology and environmental protection
  • Clinical and toxicological analysis

Entrance exams. Test in professional subjects: chemistry, physics, biology.

All candidates who meet the established requirements for secondary education will be admitted to study programs in Geology, Geo-technology and Natural Resource Management (entrance exams are not set).


The faculty is one of the youngest in the University. It became part of the University in 1959: first as an Institute of Physical Education and Sports, and since 1965 as a separate faculty. Its purpose is to train specialists to work in the field of physical education, sports, recreation and therapeutic and restorative practice. In the Czech Republic, it is the only institute that currently trains specialists with higher physical education.

The Faculty of Charles University trains undergraduate and graduate students in the following specialties:

  • Physical education and sports with a focus on teaching
  • Coach
  • Fitness Trainer

There are training programs in English, and there are also doctoral programs.

Exams depend on the specialty: They can appoint a talent exam, a test in general subjects (physiology, biology, physics), a test on orientation to a specialty, a test in special subjects (economics, sociology, physiology, psychology, sports history) or a test in a foreign language.


The faculties of theology are focused on the study of theology.

The Catholic One is one of the oldest in the institution, it has existed since the foundation of Charles University. Catholicism and art history are studied here. Competition: 1/2 person per place, 85 out of 107 were received. 

Protestant (Evangelical) the faculty provides an opportunity to receive basic theological education, as well as study related disciplines:

  • theology for experts and laypeople;
  • social and pastoral work;
  • teaching activities;
  • Christian traditions.

In the master's degree, preparation for spiritual ministry is carried out, in the doctoral program – for theology.

Entrance exams: Upon admission to both faculties, an interview is conducted. You also need to pass exams on specialization (testing for knowledge of art, literature, history, a foreign language). Psychological testing can be carried out.

At the Hussite Faculty, theology is studied in the appropriate direction. 

Entrance exams: To enroll in a bachelor's degree, you need to take a test in a written format, applicants are interviewed. Admission to the Master's program is based on the results of an interview.


Doctoral programs are distinguished by an individual approach and a bias towards independent research activities in the chosen field in cooperation with an experienced supervisor and under the guidance of the Academic Council.

There are 200 doctoral programs in different languages with different periods of study - from three to four years - for the choice of the applicant. Ph.D. programs are presented at all 17 faculties.

The University considers this area of training as a strategic priority in the long term and attaches great importance to it. Every third postgraduate student in the Czech Republic studies at Charles University.

Igor, a student of Charles University, will tell you about the faculties, training and opportunities. Watch our new video and learn more:


Preparation for admission to Charles University is the most important stage on the way to study in the Czech Republic. If you have chosen this university, you should know that it is the object of desire not only of the majority of Czech, but also of foreign students. It is not surprising that the competition for a place in any of the faculties of Charles University is very large. 

The official statistics of the universities of ČVUT, ČZU and others reads: after the 1st year, up to 40% of students are expelled. The most common reason is an insufficient level of knowledge of the Czech language.

In this regard, we have developed a special program of preparation for admission to Charles University. In this program, you will not only learn the language to the level necessary for admission to the university, but also prepare for the entrance exams in your specialty. If you have decided which faculty you want to enroll in, you can choose a preparatory program for a specific profile:

  • technical
  • humanitarian
  • economic
  • medical
  • creative

9400 of our students are already studying at Czech universities. An experienced team of teachers, their own methods and training programs, as well as many years of experience in preparing students make our center the best in training future Czech students. 

We not only provide training, but also help with nostrification and household issues, use all possible methods, helping students from CIS countries to adapt to the Czech Republic. The Student Department, together with an energetic team of curators, support the students of the center 24/7.

We are developing dynamically and offer optimal programs of preparation for admission to a Czech university.

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