Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU)

The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague is the oldest art school. It was established by imperial decree on September 10, 1799, originally as an academy of drawing. In 1990, the Academy of Fine Arts underwent a major reform and confirmed the Academy's position as an excellent institution for teaching art, architecture and restoration.

From the origins to the present: what is the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague known for Prague

Official name:
Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze


Type of university: state

Language of instruction: Czech

Faculties: 5

Specialties: 10+

Number of years of study: 4-9 years

Training program:
bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies

The transition of the school to the status of a state school is the merit of Julius Marzhak, who in 1896 attracted Josef Myslbek to the leadership of the university, and the famous painters in the 19th century, Voytech Ginais and Vaclav Brozhik, to the teaching staff. Until 1910, the institution that produced masters of fine arts and culture worked only in the artistic direction, then changes began, which led to the expansion of the university's capabilities:

In 1910, the Max Shvabinsky School of Graphics and the Jan Kotera architectural studio were joined.

The year 1926 was marked by the adoption of the Charter of the Higher School (University) of Arts.

In 1945, the school of restoration of works of art by Boguslav Slansky was opened.

"New Breath" was opened in 1990. Taking the leadership of the Prague Academy of Arts into his own hands, Milan Knizhak completely changed the structure of the university, modernizing it, and the concept of the educational process, making it more modern and technological.

Until 1997, the Higher School of Fine Arts taught exclusively on a fee-based basis, since January 1, 1998, the university has the status of a state university, also teaching students on a budget basis.

Structure of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts

Unlike most institutes and universities in the world, there is no bachelor's degree program in higher education. School graduates enter the master's program immediately and study for 6 years before receiving a diploma. The Academy is divided into many studios (ateliéry), which are managed by specific teachers and in which most of the learning process takes place. Today it is possible to enroll in such areas:

  • Architecture;
  • Art in Context (English program);
  • Drawing;
  • Figure sculpture and medal;
  • Restoration of paintings and polychrome statues;
  • Restoration of the sculpture.

University students with a bachelor's degree can also enroll in the Master's program of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts and study for 3 years in the following areas:

  • Architectural creativity
  • Free art.

Within the framework of Free creativity, training takes place in the atelier:

  • Ateliér malířství I / Škola Roberta Šalandy (MAL1)
  • Ateliér malířství II / Škola Vladimíra Skrepla (MAL2)
  • Ateliér malířství III / Škola Michaela Rittsteina (MAL3)
  • Ateliér malířství IV / Škola Martina Mainera (MAL4)
  • Ateliér sochařství I / Škola Lukáše Rittsteina (SOCH1)
  • Ateliér sochařství II / Škola Tomáše Hlaviny (SOCH2)
  • Ateliér figurálního sochařství a medaile / Škola Vojtěcha Míči (SOCHF)
  • Ateliér grafiky I / Škola Dalibora Smutného (GRA1)
  • Ateliér grafiky II / Škola Vladimíra Kokolii (GRA2)
  • Ateliér kresby / Škola Jiřího Petrboka (KRES)
  • Ateliér intermediální tvorby I / Škola Mileny Dopitové (INTM1)
  • Ateliér intermediální tvorby II / Škola Dušana Zahoranského a Pavly Scerankové (INTM2)
  • Ateliér intermediální tvorby III / Škola Tomáše Vaňka (INTM3)
  • Ateliér nových médií I / Škola Tomáše Svobody (NOV1)
  • Ateliér nových médií II / Škola Anny Daučíkové (NOV2).

Within the framework of the specialties, not only creative works, but also a deep course of theoretical disciplines:

  • history and theory of art;
  • gothic art;
  • aesthetics;
  • anatomy;
  • chemistry;
  • philosophy;
  • graphic methods and technologies;
  • morphology of cities and architecture;
  • restoration of metals in the context of historical crafts;
  • theory of mass media and art;
  • fundamentals of Christian iconography.

It is not surprising that with such a program, the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague has opened its own publishing house, where both teachers and talented students can publish their theoretical and practical works, even during the years of study, forming a professional portfolio.

Students do not have to look for a place to practice, the walls of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts function:

  • luxuriously equipped graphic workshops;
  • Robert Chalandy painting Studio;
  • Martin Miner painting Studio;
  • drawing studio, Jiri Petrbok school;
  • studio of graphic arts of Dalibor Sad;
  • Vladimir Kokoliya's graphic studio;
  • sculpture workshop of Luca Ritstein;
  • Thomas Hlavini Sculpture Workshop;
  • Vladimir Skrepl's painting studio;
  • Mikhail Ritstein Painting Studio;
  • atelier of figurative sculpture and medals of Voytech Ball;
  • Milena Dopitove's studio intermedia;
  • workshop of new media by Tomas Svoboda
  • workshop of innovative media by Anna Dauchkove;
  • workshop of restoration of masterpieces of pictorial art and polychrome sculpture by Adam Nizami;
  • workshop of restoration of works of art sculptures by Peter Siegl;
  • the studio of architectural creativity of Emil Closed.

As you can see, students will not remain without the opportunity to realize themselves in the art of any direction. Moreover, with due diligence, it is possible to get a favorable job offer even before graduation.

Upon completion of the master's degree, you can continue studying under the doctoral program, of which there are currently four:

  • Architectural creativity
  • Restoration of works of art
  • Liberal Arts
  • Theory and history of contemporary art.

In all profiles, training lasts 3 years.

Conditions of admission to the University of the Czech Republic: features for foreigners

Since education at the Prague Higher School is conducted in Czech, a prerequisite for admission is a sufficient language base. According to it, they will be examined, even if there is a huge talent. If there is no desire to take the exam away from home, there is an opportunity to sign up for language courses in advance, "tighten" vocabulary, grammar.

Since education at the Prague Higher School is conducted in Czech, a prerequisite for admission is a sufficient language base. According to her, they will be examined, even if there is a huge talent. If there is no desire to take the exam away from home, there is an opportunity to sign up for language courses in advance, "tighten" vocabulary, grammar.

Since education at the Prague Higher School is conducted in Czech, a prerequisite for admission is a sufficient language base. According to it, they will be examined, even if there is a huge talent. If there is no desire to take the exam away from home, there is an opportunity to sign up for language courses in advance, "tighten" vocabulary, grammar.

The Academy of Fine Arts is not the only creative university in Prague. Learn more about other educational institutions in this video:

Advantages of studying at a Czech university

Studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague has many positive aspects:

  • free acquisition of knowledge and practical skills for the whole period of study;
  • promising education, which is quoted in Europe and valued in other world countries;
  • cooperation with famous painters, architects and sculptors who teach at the university or come to organize seminars and conferences;
  • communication with "colleagues in the field", like-minded people.

The buildings and galleries of the Prague Academy are located in the capital of the Czech Republic, which is especially valuable for future artists and cultural workers. In the tourist area with its unique architecture, artists, sculptors, restorers, art historians and architects will find sources of inspiration (and application of forces). The ancient city is rich in cultural, historical and spiritual monuments, visiting which it is easier to learn theoretical material.

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